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On this site you will find information about what to think about when shopping products and how you can find and report dangerous products.

Goods sold in Sweden and within the EU have high demands on them to be safe. Companies within EU are obliged to comply with the applicable legislation, even if the company imports goods from outside the EU. Shopping from e-commerce platforms outside EU makes you as an individual consumer an importer, responsible for ensuring that the goods are not dangerous to health and the environment and that they are labeled correctly.
The CE mark means that the manufacturer guarantees that the product meets the safety requirements set by the EU for that particular product. Without the label, it may not be sold within the EU. Only certain products are required to be CE marked and it’s the manufacturer’s responsibility to find out whether the product should be CE marked or not.

You will find more information about CE marking here.

If you have a product which you suspect to be dangerous, you should contact your retailer. It’s also good if you contact the responsible market surveillance authority. A list of the authorities areas of responsibility can be found here.

Traders and authorities are obliged to take measures to stop dangerous consumer and professional products.

You can read more about sold dangerous goods or services on the Swedish Consumer Agency’s website.