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The free movement of goods is one of the European Union’s fundamental freedoms and there is no border control on the internal market. Its member states have, however, the possibility to control that products who are imported from a third country, i.e. countries outside the EU and the EEA (the European Economic Area, consisting of EU, Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein), comply with EU legislation. The role of the Customs is to manage the trade flow, to promote fair competition and to contribute to a safe and secure society. The Customs is responsible for that customs duties, taxes and charges are collected correctly and efficiently and for that import and export restrictions are complied with. In connection with import and export the Customs may perform product and documentary controls. The Customs cooperates with the market surveillance authorities to stop dangerous and non-compliant goods at the border. Provisions for border controls of imports from third countries and cooperation between customs and market surveillance authorities are found in the Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 on market surveillance and compliance of products.

The EU guidelines for cooperation between customs and market surveillance authorities can be read here.