National market surveillance plan for 2017
Checks on products sold on-line, cooperation between customs and market surveillance authorities, joint actions and information to business are some of the activities that the Market Surveillance Council will focus on in 2017.
All Member States in the EU shall draw up market surveillance plans. In Sweden, the task to draw up a national market surveillance plan has been given to the Market Surveillance Council. This national plan is supplemented by sector specific plans drawn up by all central market surveillance authorities. This year’s plan focuses on common actions that aim to make market surveillance more effective and visible.
Among the 30 actions in the plan for 2017 can be mentioned:
– joint actions on products sold on-line
– mapping barriers in current product legislation to the circular economy
– common network meetings for Rapex and ICSMS
– the seminar “Your Product, Your Responsibility 2017”
– cooperation with the regional chambers of commerce and the Enterprise Agency
– participation in the exhibition “Start a business”