Swedish market surveillance on the agenda at a conference in the framework of Eastern Partnership

The conference was held on the 16th-17th November in Minsk, Belarus and this year the agenda was dedicated to market surveillance. Swedac who has the task to coordinate market surveillance on a national level was invited in order to introduce how market surveillance is organised in Sweden and more specifically how cooperation works between Swedish Customs and the Swedish market surveillance authorities.
Other points on the agenda were the development of market surveillance within the EU such as new guidelines for e-commerce, market surveillance in the area of electromagnetic compability and radio equipment but also the reforms in the partner countries in order to build up a well-working and effective market surveillance.
The aim of the Eastern Partnership is to assist the partner countries, Armenia, Azerbadjan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldiva and Ukraine in order to build up a functioning system for quality infrastructure. The program plays a central role when it comes to enhance economic integration between the partner countries and the EU and the activities also include harmonisation of digital markets, trade related regulations in free trade agreements as well as environment and climate change.