Market surveillance day 2016

For the first time the event ”Market Surveillance day” was held on 13th April. It is an event arranged for inspectors, officers and legal advisors from the 18 authorities comprising the Market Surveillance Council, who are working in the field of market surveillance. The intention is that this event will take place every second year in the future. Approximately 140 participants from the authorities joined the event that took place at the conference center Nalen in the center of Stockholm.
State secretary Oscar Stenström from the ministry of trade opened the day, and he gave the view of the government on market surveillance. He stressed the importance of the work performed by the participants the ensure a high level of protection in products and a well-functioning internal market without unfair competition.
The event was closed by Peter Strömbäck, chairman of the Market Surveillance Council and general director of Swedac. He summed up the discussions taking place and thanked the participants for their engagement.
In between there was a number of interesting presentations and lectures. Some of the presentations were directly followed by discussions between the participants at each table.
(If you go to the version in the Swedish language you can find the presentation of the speakers)
Opening – Göran Lundmark, Swedac, secretariat of the Market Surveillance Council
Welcome speech – Oscar Stenström, state secretary Ministry of Trade
Basic on market surveillance – Anna Stattin and Amina Makboul, Swedac, secretariat of the Market Surveillance Council
Mutual recognition – Iness Hadji, National Board of Trade
Toolbox for market surveillance – Ann Nilsson Frödeen, Swedac, Legal Metrology, and Peggy Haase, The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority
Market surveillance in the view of industry – Marie Kransdal, 3M Svenska AB
Cooperation with customs – Per Holgersson and Suzan Kalinagil, Swedish Customs
Cooperation between market surveillance authorities – Karin Alkell, The Swedish Chemicals Agency, and Maria Lindstedt, The Swedish Consumer Agency.
Market Surveillance in practice – Mona J Åkerström, The Swedish Chemicals Agency, Maria Lindstedt, The Swedish Consumer Agency, and Carl-Axel Sundström, The Swedish Work Environment Authority.
Conclusions and closing remarks – Peter Strömbäck, Swedac, Chairman of the Market Surveillance Council.