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Every Member States in the EU shall annually draw up, implement and follow up national market surveillance plans. In Sweden, the Market Surveillance Council has been given that task. This general plan is supplemented by sector specific plans that are drawn up by each central market surveillance authority. The national plan focus on common actions that aim to make Swedish market surveillance more effective.

Examples of the 40 some activities in the plan för 2018 are:

  • Increased checks of products sold online
  • Information campaign on e-commerce
  • More joint market surveillance projects
  • Increased cooperation with Swedish Customs
  • workshop with trade associations
  • follow-up of the Government Inquiry Commission on powers and sanctions
  • assist the Government in the negociations of the new ”Goods Package”
  • identify and evaluate possible obstacles in product legislation to the development of a circular economy
  • participation in ”Start a business” exhibition
  • production of fact sheets on legislation for products
  • further develop market analyses

Read the national market surveillance plan here

The sector specific plans can be found here (only in Swedish)

Published:11 January 2018, kl. 08:23 Last updated11 January 2018, kl. 08:23